Movie Review

Movie Review: Ocean’s 13

Rated PG-13 for some language and sensuality.  Meow.
Rating:  B+

This movie fixes the one plot point that I hated about O12, and gets back to what O11 did so well:  the setup of the heist, and the execution of the heist.  They don’t waste time on extra filler.  I had a good time with it.

Unfortunately, they could have used a little bit more exposition and the dialogue missed a little bit of the fun that they had in O11 (ex: “did you bring the batteries?”)   You can tell that they had fun, the plot does make sense, and it’s an enjoyable throwback.  

Some people I saw it with really thought O12 was better… but for those who hated O12 because it wasn’t like O11, they’ll be pleased by what O13 is all about.

Disney Movie Review

Movie Review: Pirates of the Caribbean 3

Rated PG-13 for swashbuckling violence.  And a little bit of a darker tone than the first two films.

Rating:  B+.  Good action, a handful of amusement.  Good all around wrapup of the stories (it’ll help if you remember the plotline for PotC 2)

Some quick thoughts, in no particular order:

Movie Review

Movie Review: Knocked Up

Rated R for lots of nudity (both kinds – the good kind and the bad kind), language, adult situations, and all the other good fun stuff that you’d expect from the folks who did the 40-Year-Old Virgin.  Yup, the good ol’ R-rated comedies are back!

Rating:  B+

Tons of fun, lots of laughs through *almost* the entire movie.  If they didn’t stick in an hour of “let’s make a relationship” crap, then this movie would have been totally awesome.  You can literally play the game of “who’s that?” and pick out SNL cast members, 40YOV cast members, random funny people from other shows, etc.  And compared to Shrek, this one *did* have enough poop jokes. (the difference was that these poop jokes were funny.)  And if you loved the 80-year-old tits swinging in the breeze in There’s Something About Mary, you’re in for a treat with this one too.

Did I say it was funny?   It’ll be a good date movie.  Perhaps not a good *first* date movie, but a good date movie nonetheless.

Movie Review

Movie Review: Shrek the Third

Rated PG for about 10 minutes of poop jokes and talk about baby making.
Rating:  C

It ain’t that great.  Kids younger than 7 or so probably won’t understand half of what’s going on, and there are way too many pop-culture references that are really going to date this movie going forward. 

I hate to say it, but it really wasn’t …. “charming”… at all. 

I had probably 2 good laughs the entire film, and smiled mildly at way too few other portions.  Almost took a little nap at one point, too.   The first Shrek film IS a classic.  2 and 3, not so much.   I think the problem is more with Dreamworks, as this series and Shark Tale both suffered from the same “let’s force the rock-n-roll” into the movie when it really doesn’t need to be there.   Watching the Fairy Tale Princesses burning their bras?  What’s the point?  And seriously, there’s a line in the film that is basically “then there’s poop, some more poop, and poop over there too”. 

As one person I was with said, “you can’t have too many poop jokes in a kids’ movie”.  In this case, yes – yes, you can.

Movie Review

Movie Review: Lucky You

Rated PG-13 for adult situations and gambling. 

Rating:  C-

It’s billed as a romantic comedy, but don’t believe the hype.  There’s more (boring) scenes of poker than there are of any so-called romance.  And I *like* watching poker.   

Some slightly funny gambling-related moments (one character completely based on a real person and situation).  The problem is that this is a poker movie with a romance side-story, not a romance movie with a bit of poker.  In this case, you’ve really got to know when to fold ’em.

Movie Review

Movie Review: PEZHEADS

Giant Tigger PEZ DispenserNot rated, material should be fine for people of all ages.

Rating: C

It’s a good concept, a movie about PEZ collecting. But the film is lacking a cohesive plot that ties it all together or makes you want to care about the people being profiled.  Try sending them on the ultimate PEZ quest or some other mission. Give us a reason to cheer for them, or otherwise inspire another audience emotion.

Movie Review

Movie Review: King of Kong, a Fistful of Quarters

Not rated (nothing offensive, other than a single recurring poo joke that could be construed as being family friendly)

Rating: B+

It’s a documentary about the “ultra-competitive world of World Record Video Gaming, specifically Donkey Kong”.  If you liked WORDPLAY or SPELLBOUND, you’ll love this one too.  It helps if you have some like of video games anyway.  

LOVED this film.  Great suspense, good characters, some funny bits too.  It helps that there’s a hero and a villain (and a figurative group of crazed villagers with flaming torches and pitchforks, trying to Keep the Man Down).

Movie Review

Movie Review: Disturbia

Rated: PG-13 for suspense and a little violence.  High creepy factor in places.

Rating:  C

Good premise, but not enough creep for the creepy concept.  At least one good laugh, but not a lot of ’em. 

There might be two or three good suspenseful scenes, but nothing that can’t wait for DVD viewings.