10 Things Travel

10% of all Americans have done THIS on an airplane

Airplane travel is expecting to get more and more crazy over the next year, if the FAA and others have their way to allow in-flight phone calls from happening.

Nobody wants to be sitting next to a flight talker – you know, the kind of person who likes to jabber throughout the flight.  And if that’s true, you know that nobody wants to be sitting next to a cellphone yakker… let alone two or more… for a four hour tour.

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Bose® QuietComfort® 15 Acoustic Noise Cancelling® Headphones

So we should take a look at the INCONSIDERATE AIRPLANE PASSENGERS survey that Expedia released recently.

In it, Expedia found what we would call the WORST AIRPLANE ETIQUETTE VIOLATIONS:

  • 41% – Inattentive parents
  • 38% – Rear-seat kickers
  • 28% – Passengers who smell (whether it be body odor or too much perfume, take your pick)
  • 26% – The drunk
  • 23% – the Person Who Talks Too Much

Now, let’s get back to the question at hand — what’s the ONE THING THAT 10% OF ALL AMERICANS CLAIM TO HAVE DONE ON AN AIRPLANE?

According to the Expedia survey, 10% of all Americans have had sex on a plane and have joined the Mile High Club