10 Things food

What is the most popular Thanksgiving food?

You think you know your Thanksgiving menu?  Everyone has turkey and pumpkin pie, and we all know folks who absolutely must have that disgusting green bean casserole.

10 Things How To

20 Ways to Avoid Taking a Shower

Web Watch knows many new mothers who go through the “new mom phase” where they cut their hair short, so they don’t have to take the time to wash it while their baby sits quietly in the corner of the bathroom playing with empty shampoo bottles.

Apparently, washing your hair – however short it may be – is considered a luxury for many new moms who can’t even take the time for a quick shower as that would take time away from their baby.


Why Natasha and Maya hate Bailey and Brittney

Your parents went through a lot in coming up with your name.

Little did they know that what they decided to name you would forever brand you by others – simply because of who you are.  


Drinking milk can kill you, and it’s not because you’re lactose intolerant

Talk about the ultimate “brain freeze”!

There have been many people who have said that “man was never intended to drink cow’s milk, unless man wanted to be as fat as a calf”. For those people, human milk is the only kind to have.

And maybe – just maybe, they’ve been right all along.



The less competent your boss is, the more you hate your job

Do you love your job?

Like, REALLY REALLY love your job?

It’s one thing to love what you do or the company that you work for. But the job itself – how much do you really like THAT position in THAT department with THOSE co-workers?

Yeah, we thought so.  Depending on the circumstances, you really could be happier elsewhere – whether it be under a different management structure in the same organization, or doing a similar job at a different company.

See, it’s not the WORK that you’re unhappy with, it’s the environment.

Dilbert's Pointy-Hair Boss
Dilbert’s Pointy-Hair Boss

News Science

Korean women are getting the most unusual hair transplants

Women overseas are almost always the first to try new fashion trends.  From France to Japan to Brazil – other countries are often at the forefront of what we’ll be seeing American women adopt in the upcoming months and years.

But do we think that Korea’s latest fashion trend will catch on?

Stop Smirking at my Merkin
Stop Smirking at my Merkin

10 Things How To

Need to Poop at Work but suffer from Bathroom Anxiety? Check out these four handy tips

We all have done it, or know someone who has.

There’s the guy who flips the newspaper under his arm and makes a big production of heading down the hall for his morning constitutional. There’s the woman who takes WAY too long in the far stall to not have something medically wrong with her.

There’s those that abuse the single-seater, and those that stink up the community space.

How to Poo at Work
How to Poo At Work

10 Things


Not everybody has a safe desk job these days. There are still people out there that are required to make this country run. Without them working hard, working diligently behind the scenes doing all that awesome grunt work, this place would fall apart.

We need men and women in these roles. They’re good at what they do, and the world is a better place because of them.  Nobody ever aspires to be a desk jockey when growing up. Fantasy playtime often involves these career paths.

The Dangerous Book for Boys
The Dangerous Book for Boys