10 Things News

Given unlimited money for plastic surgery, most people would get their teeth whitened

Exercise: Poor Man's Plastic Surgery

Just like many of you, Web Watch knows plenty of people who have gone under the knife for elective plastic surgery.

Sometimes the results turn out well and better than the original, other times… not so much.  Sometimes the reasons behind why the person went and got the plastic surgery are obvious, and sometimes we will never know the true motivation behind why someone decides to do what they do to their bodies.

Whether you’re for or against plastic surgery on others, you may want to be aware of the MOST POPULAR PLASTIC SURGERY REQUESTS made in 2010.  This survey asked over 2000 people about their opinion of getting plastic surgery — 69% responded that they had no issue with having work done if money were no object.  So while the actual number of surgeries being performed is down — mainly due to the current economic situation — interest in plastic surgery continues to be on the rise.

Here is the list of most desired plastic surgery options, if money were no object (and the percentage of respondents who would sign up for each treatment):

  • Teeth Whitening: 48%
  • Tummy Tuck: 29%
  • Hair Removal: 27%
  • Liposuction: 23%
  • Breast Lift: 15%
  • Cellulite Treatment: 14%
  • Facelift: 13%
  • Wrinkle Filler: 12%
  • Microdermabrasion: 10%
  • Hair Replacement: 9%
  • Botox: 7%
  • Breast Augmentation/Implants: 6%
  • Breast Reduction: 6%
  • Rhinoplasty: 4%

Survey results regarding PLASTIC SURGERY FOR MINORITIES from the American Academy of Cosmetic Surgery has a slightly different take on what surgeries are most popular:

  • Cosmetic surgery is most popular among Asians (31.4% of respondents).  Hispanics (27.4%) and African-Americans (18.8%) followed.
  • For invasive procedures, the most common Asian plastic surgery is a facelift.  Black respondents most often reported liposuction, and Hispanics reported abdominoplasty (tummy tuck).
  • More than 30% of the respondents said that they would look for a surgeon of the same race/ethnicity as themselves, with 56.6% saying that doing so would be difficult.