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Fairy tales for the rest of us

Do you remember the FRACTURED FAIRY TALES segment on the Rocky and Bullwinkle Show?

That’s where the show would tell slighty edited, oddball versions of classic stories – occasionally with a modern twist.

Fractured Fairy Tales
Fractured Fairy Tales

That’s the premise behind the blog FAIRY TALES FOR 20-SOMETHINGS.  The authors take a classic story, and apply it to today’s time and technology.

For example, you just know that the Prince and the Pauper would be Facebook friends throughout their adventures of sharing each others’ lives.  Doesn’t seem to work out well for them, however.

Other topics covered:

  • Peter Pan and his Twitter account
  • The sudden realization between the Turtle and the Hare that there never really was a race after all.
  • How Rapunzel felt after donating her hair to Locks of Love

Yeah – even Fairy Tale characters are fake hipsters.