10 Things

Want the perfect husband? Marry a man shorter than you

Do you consider yourself a SHORT MAN or a TALL MAN?

We’ll make it easy for you.

SHORT MAN is generally considered anyone who is under 5’7″.  Someone who is considered TALL has to be at least 6’1″ in height.

Everyone in-between those two figures?  That’s where the perception about 6 inches being average comes from.

Wait, what?

Size Doesn't Matter: The Short Man's Handbook Of Dating And Relationship Success
Size Doesn’t Matter:
The Short Man’s Handbook
Of Dating And Relationship Success

But seriously – short men often get the (no pun intended) short end of the stick when it comes to dating. Women, let’s face it, are often looking for men who are taller than they are – or at least at the same height.

But if you look at STATISTICS ABOUT MEN AND THEIR HEIGHT, maybe short men are being overlooked by mistake (again, pun not intended).

According to the NYU study, shorter men…:

  • Get married 18% less than average height men
  • Work harder on housework than taller men do, an average of almost 8.5 hours per week of housework
  • 78% of short men earn more money than who they are married to
  • Short men prefer women who are older, less educated — they LOVE women who haven’t graduated high school, statistically speaking

So if these characteristics represent the type of guy you’ve always been looking for, maybe you should just take a look around… and down. They just may be right under your nose.

(THAT pun was intended)