10 Things News

FAIL tops the list of Top Words for 2013 (whoops – it’s really “404”)

Language is a funny thing.

Have you ever wondered how some terms become so well known, so indoctrinated, that you could travel around the world and hear the same words and phrases and know exactly what they mean?  Who knew that cab drivers everywhere would know what “fast, fast” means?

Words on a Shirt
Words on a Shirt


You have better odds of winning the lottery than you do in winning Scrabble

If you’ve ever played a game of Scrabble, you probably fall into one of two categories of players:  those that can always figure out a way to play a seven-letter word on a Triple Word Score (and typically win a game by more than 200 points), or you struggle determining where to place an “E” for a 2 point score.

If you fall into the latter group: don’t panic – you’re not alone.  Not everybody can memorize word lists and play any Scrabble word at will.

Scrabble Letter Tiles
Scrabble Letter Tiles


Take the quiz: what’s YOUR accent?

Web Watch has shared with you previously an in-depth analysis of AMERICAN ACCENTS.

But one question that Web Watch receives on occasion is how to apply that information to your every day life.  Thanksfully, we’re here to help you with that.

Accents: A Manual for ActorsAccents: A Manual for Actors

Travel Websites

How many languages can you name?

Like you, Web Watch has taken many many years of foreign language classes in school.

Sadly, after five years of Spanish and three years of French, we still can’t read a menu in those fancy restaurants.  Web Watch is not a good example of how to succeed in foreign language studies.

But perhaps you have a better ear for language than we do.

Berlitz Italian Premier
Berlitz Italian Premier

How To

What your cat’s meow means

Do you know what your cat wants?

Yes, every cat basically wants to be left alone – we’re only there to provide food, water, and occasionally clean their litter box.  We are there to cater to a cat’s needs.

But once in a while, a cat will deem it necessary to communicate with their human caretaker.

Cat Butt Magnets
Cat Butt Magnets

10 Things

11 More Words that should be Banned from Use

Previously, Web Watch has shared with our readers WORDS THAT SHOULD NEVER BE USED EVER AGAIN, such as “literally” and “man cave”.

Would you believe that there are even more words that people would never, ever want to hear ever again?

10 Things Websites

Words banned for use in 2013 and beyond

Web Watch has pleaded with our readers in the past to STOP USING WORDS LIKE VAJAZZLE and MAN CAVE, and we’ve told you about WORDS I LOVE, WORDS I HATE.

And apparently, Web Watch’s crusade to clean up everyone’s daily language is reaching new ears every day, and others are beginning to pick up the gauntlet in our favor.


The Pun Generator: when you absolutely need a pun RIGHT NOW

Web Watch loves a good pun.

Alas, “good pun” is also an oxymoron, as there are millions of people out there who think that the lowly pun is the worst form of a joke that’s possible.

It takes no thought, they say.  It’s not funny, they lament.

Web Watch believes that these people are upset and angry because they didn’t think of the wordplay themselves first.  Or they don’t get the pun in the first place.

Either way, puns are wasted on those folk.  But that’s okay.