
The real reason why Santa’s reindeer stink

Everyone knows the song RUDOLPH THE RED-NOSED REINDEER.

But have you taken a really good listen to what the song’s actually about?  It’s very telling — not about Rudolph, but a better description of what the OTHER reindeer are actually like.

Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer, Stuffed
Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer, Stuffed


Why NORAD Tracks Santa

Every year we receive the same news reports from NORAD about Santa’s progress around the world.

Have you ever wondered how NORAD got into the Santa tracking business?

The Night Santa Got Lost: How NORAD Saved Christmas
The Night Santa Got Lost: How NORAD Saved Christmas

10 Things Funny Websites

Santa is NOT “a bit creepy”

Raise your hand if you believe in Santa Claus.

Note that Web Watch didn’t write “if you still believe”, as the word “still” implies that there’s a time when you naturally stop believing in what Santa’s all about.

Santa Costume
Santa Costume


Santa Responds: Why didn’t he bring that gift you asked for?

Autobiography of Santa Claus
Autobiography of Santa Claus

Santa Responds to all of those letters that he has received over the years.

Here are some of the takeaways that we can all learn from the Big Man in the Red Suit:

10 Things Funny Websites

Funny letters to Santa.

Santa Responds: He's Had Enough...and He's Writing Back!
Santa Responds: He’s Had Enough…and He’s Writing Back!

Have you written your letter to Santa yet?