10 Things

The 25 Best Companies to work for – if you want a HUGE salary

For some people, the higher the salary the happier they are.

They’ll jump around from company to company, spending 6 months in one place, a year in another – all in the attempt to continually “bounce up” in salary when moving from one company to another.

Why do they do that? Because we all know that staying with one company and relying on that 2%-3% annual raise – if you get even that – is not the best way to increase your retirement nest egg.

Negotiating Your Salary: How To Make $1000 a Minute
Negotiating Your Salary: How To Make $1000 a Minute

10 Things Travel

Top Cities to Start Your Career

As you prepare to graduate from college and move into The Real World (you know, that place “where people stop being polite and start being real”), you’ve spent a lot of time thinking about what JOB you want to be doing.  What COMPANY you want to do it with.

Maybe you need to also spend some time thinking about WHERE you want to work as well.

The Secret to Getting a Job after College: Marketing Tactics to Turn Degrees into Dollars
The Secret to Getting a Job after College:
Marketing Tactics to Turn Degrees into Dollars

10 Things How To

Every successful CEO was really good at kindergarten

You’re likely familiar with the book ALL I REALLY NEED TO KNOW I LEARNED IN KINDERGARTEN.

Sure, it’s a funny title and has almost become a cliche – but there really is a lot of truth to the topic, perhaps some item that you hadn’t taken the time to thing about recently.

All I Really Need to Know I Learned in Kindergarten
All I Really Need to Know I Learned in Kindergarten

10 Things Travel

Women will make the most money in these six US states

It’s been often said that women earn anywhere from 60%-80% of what a man’s salary is in the exact same position.

And while that particular line item has been debunked as being a gender rule and more along the lines of what happens when you look at overall averages and neglect to take into account that women temporarily leave the workforce to raise a family for a portion of the time that men continue to earn money — there is still some truth that some women do earn less than some men in particular careers.

The Single Woman's Guide to Retirement
The Single Woman’s Guide to Retirement

10 Things Disney

Top 10 Happiest Places to Work

Web Watch has said it before and we’ll say it again: if you’re not happy at work, then you need to find a new opportunity.

Of course, there are always exceptions to this rule.

If you know that what you’re doing now is merely temporary, then no need to rock the boat and jump ship before you’re ready to do so. And there are different ways to measure happiness – sometimes the job you’re doing now may not be making you happy per se, but it allows you to do other things that do.  Like that overnight shift may not be ideal, but it frees up your daytime hours to spend time with the kids or attend school to be able to advance to the next career choice.

Powered by Happy: How to Get and Stay Happy at Work (Boost Performance, Increase Success, and Transform Your Workday)
Powered by Happy:
How to Get and Stay Happy at Work
(Boost Performance, Increase Success, and Transform Your Workday)

How To

Do you own a pair of POWER PANTIES?

Heading into a big meeting at the office, maybe to ask for a raise or to make a presentation in front of senior management — what is the one thing you do to boost your confidence and build yourself up before you head into the room?

Confessions Of A Panty Seller: How To Turn Your Used Panties Into Real Money
Confessions Of A Panty Seller:
How To Turn Your Used Panties Into Real Money

10 Things

What are the MOST and LEAST stressful jobs?

How stressful is your job?

Sure, there’s pressure to do the best you can at your current position, and maybe you are responsible for guiding others to be better themselves, but in the real world — how much of the stress you feel is self-imposed versus stress that is a natural component of the job you’re doing?

Success Under Stress: Powerful Tools for Staying Calm, Confident, and Productive When the Pressure's On
Success Under Stress:
Powerful Tools for Staying Calm, Confident, and Productive When the Pressure’s On

How To Internet News

A Social Media reminder from CNN

As Santa takes his final moments today to check his list twice, to see who’s been naughty and who’s been nice – it’s a perfect time to offer this friendly holiday reminder that we gleaned from CNN this week over the JUSTINE SACCO incident:

Naughty and Nice Santa Hats
Naughty and Nice Santa Hats