Web Gangsta – Web Watch

What’s The Highest Blood Alcohol Content YOU’VE Ever Had? Can You Beat .91%?

Everybody should have access to a portable Blood Alcohol Tester when they go out to a bar or a party.

That way, you’ll know whether you can drive home, take a taxi/stay the night, or go straight to the hospital due to alcohol poisoning.

And since you really shouldn’t have a BAC higher than – oh, let’s say 0.08% – having yourself tested once in a while really isn’t a bad idea.  Remember, kids – a BAC of 0.4% or higher is really, really, really bad.

Here’s a list of 15 people who have had RECORD SETTING BLOOD ALCOHOL LEVELS where such a device probably would have helped them:

And the highest blood alcohol content registered so far belongs to a Bulgarian.

His BAC was .91%.