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A new holiday treat: Turbaconducken! (Order yours today)

Everyone jokes about ubiquitious holiday food, from the green bean casserole to the fruitcake.

But no other holiday food has garnered as much interest as the TURDUCKEN, an epicurean concoction of a deboned chicken stuffed inside of a deboned duck, stuffed inside a turkey.

Sounds tasty, right?   Sounds so good that even the TV show THE BIG BANG THEORY had their own version called the TURBRISKEFIL:  gefilte fish stuffed inside a brisket, stuffed inside a turkey.  Sounds delicious, no?

Well, the folks over at BACON TODAY have created their own holiday dining feast:  a TURBACONDUCKEN.  It’s a traditional turducken, but it’s been completely baconized with bacon. 

5 pounds of bacon.

And not just bacon-covered on the outside, but covered on the inside as well.  It’s bacon-wrapped chicken stuffed inside bacon-wrapped duck, which is stuffed inside a turkey.  The outside of the turkey is then covered completely in bacon.

It’s a bacon-festival for your mouth.  Santa would be proud.