Web Gangsta – Web Watch

Want people to conform to your wishes? Perhaps these ten tips will help.

Once in a while, you may find yourself in a situation where you need to get an entire group to conform to a single thought or rule.

Web Watch admits that getting a group of any size to conform to the group’s wishes on the whole is a lot like herding cats – there’s always going to be someone who wants to march to their own beat and do whatever they want, just because they can – regardless of whether that marching is going to help the group in whole or hinder whatever progress you’re trying to make.

Web Watch has found these TEN TIMELESS INFLUENCERS OF CONFORMITY.  Each of these ten items affects group-think, and are the things that any group leader (or group dissenter, if that’s the way you’re marching) should take into consideration if you’re trying to win friends and influence people.  Some of those items are: