Web Gangsta – Web Watch

Photo blog of the day: Sexy People!

GLAMOUR THROUGH YOUR LENS: A Centerfold Photographers Guide to Exciting Photography
A Centerfold Photographers Guide to Exciting Photography

Not everybody looks good in pictures.

At our local grocery store, the store management has their headshots all lined up near the cash registers so that the customers can easily recognize who’s in charge.

All the photos are standard grocery store headshots: blue background, corporate-looking shirt (with and without a tie, depending on managerial level).  You know the type of pictures these are, and they all look like they were taken the same day… well, all but one photo on the wall were like this.

One picture stood out from the rest: it was the picture of one of the female managers, taken at GLAMOUR SHOTS.  Fuzzy purple boa, feathers in the hair, sultry/pouty pose while looking over a shoulder, heavy hairspray and makeup.  In other words, not exactly what we customers would want to see as a store representative of our food and beverage supermart.

So that’s wherethe  SEXY PEOPLE BLOG comes into play.

SEXY PEOPLE takes all those phenomenal glamour shots, corporate headshots, and professional portraits and presents them, without commentary, as a showcase of all the Sexy People out there.  For example, there’s these folks:

This isn’t a mockery of people, like AWKWARD FAMILY PHOTOS might be on occasion – Sexy People is a celebration of all that sexiness captured on film for all the world to see.

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