Web Gangsta – Web Watch

Quiz time: What do Nickleback, Justin Bieber, and Lady Gaga all have in common?

Nickleback: Here and Now
Nickleback: Here and Now

The question was asked: “What band can you really, REALLY not stand?”

You know, those artists who – at the very drop of the first note from any of the songs – just make you want to dive for the clicker/keyboard/volume control and just turn that crap off?

For instance, Web Watch can’t stand listening to the Rolling Stones.  Sure, we appreciate what they’ve done in the history of rock. We get the whole Mick Jagger, Keith Richards thing.  But after a year spent with a roommate who’s ONLY consideration for music was the Stones’ discography, we grew quickly tired of hearing All Stones, All The Time and since then have lost all interest in what the Stone have ever done.

Yes, it really was as bad as it sounds.

Which brings us to today’s quiz:  What do Nickleback, Justin Bieber, and Lady Gaga all have in common?  They’re the TOP MUSICAL TURNOFFS according to music site Tastebuds.fm

The full list?  Of course…

  1. Nickleback
  2. Justin Bieber
  3. Lady Gaga
  4. Ke$ha
  5. Coldplay
  6. U2
  7. Creed
  8. Katy Perry
  9. Lil Wayne
  10. Britney Spears

The list of turnoff musical acts was interesting when you broke the list down by gender.

The top three stayed the same (Nickleback, Bieber, Gaga – if you wanted a reminder).

But the rest of the list?  Some interesting pointers:

So what does this mean?  Guys – if you want to impress the ladies, you can’t go wrong with some good ol’ Barry White.

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