Web Gangsta – Web Watch

SFW Porn

Are you that Web Watch reader who’s stuck at work, just hankering to look at some images that your company would consider to be NSFW (that’s “not safe for work”, for those new Web Watch readers who may not be familiar with the term).

Look – Web Watch understands that some of our readers may be a bit addicted to pornography, so we’re here to help.  We’ve found a website that’s perfectly acceptable for you to view at work, even though it is 100% filled with explicit, pornographic images.


Just point your browser over to PORN SFW and take a gander at their image galleries.

Now, we know you’re probably asking how Web Watch thinks that there is such at think as porn that can be considered safe for work.

Well, it is completely if what you are looking at are completely legitimate porn images that have had all their dirty parts Photoshopped out to make them work-friendly.  You’d be surprised what a couple of pieces of clip art and some carefully placed finger drawings can do to completely convert an image from being obscene into a frameable work of art.

So go ahead and check out these photos that you can share with any of your co-workers without fear of embarassment.


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