If you’re like Web Watch, you probably did all of your holiday shopping online this year. We were done, paid for, and shipped before December 1st even rolled around.
Shopping online has never been easier, less hassle, filled with more deals than ever before — and its gaining in popularity year after year after year.
Online Shopping Through Consumers’ Eyes:
A Study of Online Users’ Responses to 107 Questions
And that’s the origin of comSCORE’S latest survey result that lists the TOP TEN US ONLINE SPENDING DAYS IN HISTORY (thus far, which rolls through December 14, 2012).
They are:
- Monday, Nov. 26, 2012 (aka Cyber Monday 2012) – $1.465 billion
- Tuesday, Dec. 4, 2012 – $1.362 billion
- Monday, Dec. 10, 2012 (Green Monday 2012) – $1.275 billion
- Tuesday, Nov. 27, 2012 – $1.263 million
- Monday, Nov. 28, 2011 (Cyber Monday 2011) – $1.251 billion
- Tuesday, Dec. 11, 2012 – $1.220 billion
- Friday, Dec. 14, 2012 – $1.219 billion
- Monday, Dec. 5, 2011 – $1.178 billion
- Thursday, Dec. 13, 2012 – $1.135 billion
- Monday, Dec. 12, 2011 (Green Monday 2011) – $1.133 billion
Web Watch can only imagine what 2013 will look like. $2 billion in online sales? $3 billion? It could happen…