A while back, Web Watch told you about the 2011 OFFICE SEX SURVEY.
It’s been a few years here at Web Watch, so why don’t we take a look at what the 2013 OFFICE SEX SURVEY has to say, just in case anything has changed since the last time we broached this topic.
This 2013 survey was conducted by BUSINESS INSIDER, under the title SEX AT WORK. Here’s some of what they found:
- Almost 91% of those surveyed said that people who work at the same company (but not work together) should be allowed to have sex with each other. With just a little under 36%, a manager should definitely not have sex with a subordinate.
- Again, almost 91% have said that they have been sexually attracted to a colleague at some point along the way
- And that’s likely leading to this stat: 64% of workers have taken the next step and hit upon a co-worker… and almost 75% of those surveyed said that they’ve been hit upon by a co-worker. In other words, there have been a lot more people being hit upon than doing the approaching. Creepers!
- Would you ever quit your job just to be able to have sex with a co-worker? 5% said they have done so.
So what’s the connection rate in the workplace? How much sex is really going on out there, perhaps in the next cubicle over?
54% of those surveyed said that they HAVE had sex with a co-worker. And of those, almost half – 49% – have had sex at the office.
Keep the Lysol handy, folks. Spray that conference table down next time you have a chance.