2013 is a wrap, but before we head boldly into 2014, let’s take a quick look at what all of you, our many Web Watch readers, have stopped by to take a look at over the past year:
2013: The End of Days or a New Beginning: Envisioning the World After the Events of 2012
- NSFW: A complete history of naked SURVIVOR contestants (and Jeff Probst?!?!)
- How to win by buying Scratch-off Lottery Tickets
- An obvious (and unfortunate) side-effect of the “Root Suit”
- Got at least $12,000? Book THE DAN BAND for your next party. GREEN DAY will cost you a little more
- The Pun Generator: when you absolutely need a pun RIGHT NOW
- “What Do You Put in a Toaster?” and other Brain Teasers and Dementia Tests
- Chocolate Oreo ice cream done in 40 seconds – The BlendTec Recipe
- How much money can a Youtube video earn when it goes viral? Let’s start at $150,000
- Surprise! McDonald’s doesn’t use Heinz Ketchup
- Full House Screws Up Walt Disney World
The most popular search terms and phrases for people who searched their way to Web Watch happiness included:
- survivor nudity / jeff probst naked / jeff probst nude / survivor contestants nude / naked survivor / survivor naked / survivor nudes / nude survivor contestants / survivor nude / survivor contestants naked / naked survivor contestants / nudity on survivor. You know all these phrases ended up bringing visitors to our Naked Survivors and Jeff Probst page…
- rootsuit vs morphsuit / rootsuit
- clown names
- pun generator
- bendtec ice cream recipe
- playboy top party schools 2012
- full house disney world
- disney princess costumes / best halloween costumes / good halloween costumes / princess jasmine costume / sexy Disney costumes
- jasmine / sexy Disney princess / Disney princess cosplay