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Quiz: How Well Do You Know Canada?

Many people have said that American’s geography skills are a little bit — nay, a whole lot – subpar compared to the rest of the world.

Kids in the US have trouble identifying states, let alone trying to put together a jigsaw puzzle of Europe. God forbid you ask them to try the Africa puzzle.

So let’s keep things a little bit closer to home and focus on just Canada.

Canada: America’s Hat

Think for a moment.

Here’s your question, in two parts:


Let’s think about this for a moment.  Take a look at Canada, and take a look at the US.

Everyone knows that you have to drive south from Detroit to get to Windsor, Canada.  So right there, we know that there is a part of Canada that is south of Michigan.

Think this puzzle through… if that part of Canada is the southern-most region of Canada… can you name the states that are at that point or higher?

Here’s a hint: there are 27 states that have some amount of land that is NORTH OF CANADA.  More than 50% of ALL US STATES are NORTH of the southernmost point of Canada.

So let’s be serious for a moment — how many states are 100% north of that southernmost Canadian point?  Not just a little bit of the state is North of Canada, but the entire state border?

That’s just 13 states that are further North in their entirety than Canada.

It’s an easy test…. name those states.   Or click the link to see the answer.