Web Gangsta – Web Watch

Time Scout

Just in time for back to school is a revolutionary new gadget that is sure to please moms and dads everywhere: THE TIME SCOUT.

If your kids (or husbands) are watching too much TV or playing their video games all night, why not turn those activities into a true reward? Plug the selected device into the Time Scout and give your children their own “charge card.” When the child swipes their card through the Time Scout reader, the TV or video game can now be used for a preset amount of time.

Now you can reward your children with an hour of television for a week, and they get to choose how and when they use it. They can use the time now, use it later, or even save all their earned time for a party at the end of the week because that’s what they earned. And when their time is up, it’s the Time Scout that turns into the bad cop, not you.

And yes, there is a parental bypass for those late-night games of Ratchet and Clank.