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The top 20 cities with highest consumer debt are…

I’m a debt collector

Experian has released their list of the 20 CITIES WITH THE HIGHEST AMOUNT OF CONSUMER DEBT per consumer.

If it helps, the nationwide average for debt is $24,775.  Even if you yourself aren’t carrying $25,000 in consumer debt (credit cards, installment loans), it’s possible that your friends and neighbors are the ones bringing your city’s debt load up with them. 

Remember, saving money is just as important to helping keep the economy strong as is being an active credit card user.

Experian looked at its credit rating database and looked at the average amount of money owed on consumer debt vehicles, such as consumer credit cards (Visa, MasterCard), charge cards, store credit cards, and consumer loans that were not mortgage payments – this usually includes car loans and other revolving credit.   These totals represent the total amount of money owed, not the amount of the monthly payments being made.

Let’s see if your city made the list or not:

  1. Seattle: $26,646
  2. Dallas: $26,599
  3. Denver: $26,428
  4. Atlanta: $26,063
  5. Phoenix: $26,035
  6. Houston: $25,790
  7. Washington, D.C.: $25,702
  8. Tampa: $25,603
  9. Philadelphia: $25,544
  10. Orlando: $25,316
  11. Minneapolis: $25,115
  12. Detroit: $24,995
  13. Sacramento: $24,826
  14. Chicago: $24,781
  15. Boston: $24,670
  16. Cleveland: $24,669
  17. New York: $24,444
  18. San Francisco: $24,429
  19. Miami: $24,334
  20. Los Angeles: $24,009