Web Gangsta – Web Watch

Today’s Quiz: What’s your political type?

Political Party

It’s soon coming up to another Presidential election – or, as we at Web Watch call it, “time to start hanging up on political robocalls again”.

So whether you liked how you voted last year, or are interested in making a change in your voting style, you may want to check out the POLITICAL TYPOLOGY QUIZ to see if your political leanings have changed since the last Presidential election.

There are 20 sets of either/or questions for you to choose from.  Just like a Chinese dinner menu, select one item from Column A, or one item from Column B, for each question.

Some of the choices are relatively easy to lean one way or the other (“I often don’t have enough money to make ends meet” vs “Paying the bills is generally not a problem for me”), while others take a bit more thought (“The best way to ensure peace is through military strength” vs “Good diplomacy is the best way to ensure peace”) as to which way you’ll go.

When all is done, you’ll be classified into the appropriate policital party based on your responses.  The party options are: