Web Gangsta – Web Watch

23 actual job interview questions you never want to answer

The 250 Job Interview Questions You’ll Most Likely Be Asked

We’ve all had interesting job interviews.

Web Watch recalls one where the entire interview has done over drinks in a smoky bar after hours.  While the interview was a serious affair, the atmosphere detracted enough from the offered position that we ended up turning the job down.  If they’re not willing to take their company and interview process seriously, why should we take their job offer seriously? 

But sometimes there are some interview questions that just are a little… off.  They certainly are within the realm of reason to be answered, but they may not be the types of questions that you want to deal with. 

So let’s take a look at some actual JOB INTERVIEW QUESTIONS THAT YOU DO NOT WANT TO BE ASKED, ever.

Be sure to click the above link for the full list of 23 awful interview questions.