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How much money can you make mining asteroids?

There’s a lot of money in asteroids.

The problem, as Bruce Willis showed us, is getting the money out of them.

Sure, we could wait until they hit Earth, where we could more easily pick them apart… but if you recall what happened in THE BLOB when the asteroid landed at the movie theater, nothing good ever comes when an asteroid hits Earth.

Mining The Sky:
Untold Riches From The Asteroids, Comets, And Planets

So we have to go out into space and mine those asteroids ourselves.

It’s probably safer that way, anyway.

But with all the millions of asteroids out there, how do we know WHICH ASTEROIDS ARE WORTH MINING AND WHICH ONES AREN’T?


They’ve gathered all known asteroids into an easily searchable list — and include 3D visualizations for those space nerds out there who want to see what they’re getting at.

The most valuable asteroid is the GERMANIA, with an estimated value (and estimated profit) of over $100 TRILLION, if you can figure out a way to mine the iron, hydrogen, ammonia, and nitrogen off that flying rock.

Even the least known valuable asteroid ANTENOR is valued at over $3 million – and it’s primarily water.

What about the most accessible?  That could make it easier to make some money, right?  So take a look at 1999 JU3,  worth about $12.27 trillion for its nickel, iron, cobalt, water, nitrogen, hydrogen, and ammonia.

So how much money are you willing to put out to get your own piece of asteroid?