Web Gangsta – Web Watch

7 Things To Look For During a Self Exam

And to wrap up National Feel Your Boobies Week

Courtesy of a now-defunct online ad campaign by Target to promote regular breast exams called “Check Out My Breasts”, here are seven things to look for when performing your own self-examination:

  1. Check for any unusual thickening of the breast tissue. Raise your arm above your head, and apply pressure in small circles with your fingers.
  2. Check that one breast hasn’t become larger or lower than the other.
  3. Check for any changes to your nipples or any skin irritations around them.
  4. Check for any changes to skin texture. Look for puckering or dimpling of the skin.
  5. If you find anything unusual or feel pain when checking out your breasts, talk to your doctor immediately.
  6. Remember there are no rules. There is no wrong ways to check out your breasts. You just have to check them regularly enough to know if there are any changes.
  7. The goal is to be familiar with what your breasts look and feel like normally so you’ll know if there are any changes. Look for any unusual lumps or lumpy areas in your breasts or armpits.