Web Gangsta – Web Watch

Have an embarrassing medical question? Check out EMBARRASSING BODIES (yup, it’s NSFW)

Web Watch knows that it’s wrong to laugh at other people’s medical situations. 

However, Web Watch can recommend laughing at the questions that can arise from some of the more unusual medical issues that can crop up from time to time.

Because let’s face it – some folks have either some amusing medical problems or they don’t mind asking in public what are normally private conversations that one should have with their personal physician.

The UK’s Channel 4 embraces this philosophy wholeheartedly, to the point of making an Internet television program that serves just that purpose.  EMBARRASSING BODIES and EMBARRASSING BODIES LIVE are a TV program and companion website that allows viewers of all shapes and sizes and of all ages and educational backgrounds a platform to ask just those questions — anonymously — that they just feel uncomfortable asking a doctor, family, or friend about.

The website features a cornucopia of tools and features that explain in a matter-of-fact fashion everything you could possibly want to know about one’s body but were afraid to ask.  Yes, it’s a NSFW website because it deals with uncensored medical imagery, but since it’s all done in the name of science it should be a site that all parents should sit down and go through with their kids (once their kids reach the appropriate inquisitive age, of course). 

We all know that naked pictures are okay when it has to do with science, right?

From archives of previously-aired episodes of the TV show covering a wide variety of topics, to a gallery featuring pictures of what normal genitalia looks like (so curious teenagers can answer the “am I normal if it looks like this?” question without having to show off, to the ULTIMATE BODY QUIZ where you can put your pre-med anatomy skills to the test – the EMBARRASSING BODIES site really covers the gamut.

Perhaps you have some embarrasing medical questions of your own but are still too embarrassed to ask? Here are some of the questions that others have posed on the site.  After reading through these questions that were asked in an attempt to get onto the TV show, you should feel much better about asking your doctor during your next checkup: