Web Gangsta – Web Watch

Food Humor: Why don’t cannibals eat clowns? Because they TASTE funny!

Rude Food: The Collected Food Writings of Vir Sanghvi

Because inside every one of us is an eight-year-old kid who like to laugh at fart noices, sometimes just reading a menu or wandering an ethnic grocery store can make you laugh.

Whether it be the PEE COLA or SPOTTED DICK, foods from other countries may taste perfectly fine… but the names of the products will just make you laugh out loud.

That’s why a site like RUDE FOODS exists, to help point out the absurdity of products named CHEWY BALLS, DICK STICKS, or SEAGULL POO.

Here’s a game you can play with your friends:  “Is this a Real or Fake Product Name?” and then rattle off any of the selections on the site.  You’ll be making $$ without even trying!