Web Gangsta – Web Watch

It’s a trap! (How to avoid email fraud)

Web Watch knows many people who suffer from a daily deluge of spam email in their inbox.  It’s through no fault of their own – it has to do with their company email policies and the ease of guessing commonly spelled names at specific email domains.

Yes, we feel sorry for you, Ned Obody at the DMV.  Too bad you’re stuck with the email address of nobody@thedmv.goov as your email address.  (Note for anyone attempting to reach Mr Ned — Web Watch made that email address up, so the chances of it actually working are slim to none.)

Scamorama: Turning the Tables on Email Scammers

But the only reason that scam emails are out there are because for every million emails that get sent out, it only takes one person to give in to the nonsense and send those scammers money.  That’s what makes it worthwhile to the scammer, and a pain in the butt for everyone else.

Just a reminder: don’t ever buy anything from an unsolicited email.  It’s that easy.

That’s the philosophy behind the ERNST & YOUNG’s FRAUD INVESTIGATION division, because they – in conjunction with the FBI – have compiled a list of the 15 MOST COMMONLY USED PHRASES in email fraud.

In other words, if you see any of the following  in some unsolicited/unwelcome piece of email, then chances are it’s a fraud and can be safely deleted.

  1. Cover up
  2. Write off
  3. Illegal
  4. Failed investment
  5. Nobody will find out
  6. Grey area
  7. They owe it to me
  8. Do not volunteer information
  9. Not ethical
  10. Off the books
  11. Backdate
  12. No inspection
  13. Pull earnings forward
  14. Special fees
  15. Friendly payments

All that being said, I do have a bridge in Brooklyn that I’d like to sell you.  You can take it as a write-off, and just pay this low special fee.  We can even negotiate a lower price if you’re willing to do it off the books.  Up to you, of course…

What, no takers?  Anyone?  Bueller?  Bueller?