10 Things How To

How to avoid getting a speeding ticket

If you’re a speed demon on the road, there is ONE surefire way that you can minimize the chance that you will be on the receiving end of a speeding ticket.

Beat Your Ticket: Go to Court & Win
Beat Your Ticket: Go to Court & Win


Criminals now asking: Your Money or Your Life?

When was the last time you walked into your doctor’s office? Remember when you had to fill out that clipboard at the front desk, and they asked you for your Social Security Number?

Guess what – they don’t really need that.

But you know who does? Criminals.

Medical Billing and Coding For Dummies
Medical Billing and Coding For Dummies

Gadgets Internet

If you drive one of these cars, you’re about to get hacked

As cars get more and more sophisticated these days, so do criminals who are out to get you or your vehicle.

Where old-school James Bond villains would merely attach tracking devices to your rear axle as you drive away, today’s criminal minds can be more nefarious – and perhaps even untraceable.

Toyota Prius
Toyota Prius

How To Websites

How to Contact a Prison Inmate (and not just any random prisoner…)

Remember when you would go off to summer camp and you’d all spend the most awesome summer together and then you go home promising to write each other every day, and then you end up with a PEN PAL FOR LIFE?

Too Much Joy: Cereal Killers
Too Much Joy: Cereal Killers

10 Things Travel

The Top Ten Most-Stolen Hotel Items

Stealing things from hotels can be a compulsion for some.

Sometimes, it’s the principle of the taking.  When a luxury hotel charges you $400 (or more) a night for a suite, you sometimes feel obligated to take advantage of as much of the freebies as you can grab.

Sammy Keyes and the Hotel Thief
Sammy Keyes and the Hotel Thief


Only 52% of cellphone owners have done this

It’s happened to everyone, at one time or another.

You’ve stepped away from your desk, bar stool, wherever — and not 3 minutes later you discover that your cellphone is missing.

Gone, in a blink of an eye.  Your entire life – photos, contacts, important numbers, etc — all gone forever.  Stolen, perhaps. Lost, definitely.

And the chances of finding your phone in the Lost & Found are likely slim to none.

How To Internet

Best way to avoid cyberbullies? Stop using Facebook

In today’s cruel Internet world, if you participate in social media at all then you’ve likely participated (in one way or another) in cyberbullying.

And Web Watch isn’t even talking about the overly mean, news-worthy levels of pure, unadulterated hatred that should never happen to anybody, at anytime, anywhere, ever.  Just posting angry messages about anonymous people with bad driving habits, or Instagramming photos of unusual hair styles or clothing choices — those also could be counted under the generic CYBERBULLY tag.

Web Watch was in a grocery store recently, when we saw a customer walking through the aisles with her hair stacked up on her head and a baseball cap perched precariously atop the towering threads. It was not a good look on her, nor would it be a good look on anybody.  Why a baseball cap instead of a hair wrap? We may never know the answer.  But she was confident in what she was wearing, and Web Watch applauds her for this. 

10 Things Internet

It’s a trap! (How to avoid email fraud)

Web Watch knows many people who suffer from a daily deluge of spam email in their inbox.  It’s through no fault of their own – it has to do with their company email policies and the ease of guessing commonly spelled names at specific email domains.

Yes, we feel sorry for you, Ned Obody at the DMV.  Too bad you’re stuck with the email address of nobody@thedmv.goov as your email address.  (Note for anyone attempting to reach Mr Ned — Web Watch made that email address up, so the chances of it actually working are slim to none.)