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November is National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo, for short)

legal padAs we’ve covered in Web Watch in previous years, November is NATIONAL NOVEL WRITING MONTH, otherwise known as NaNoWriMo.

If you’ve had a hankering to get the Great American Novel written, but have had the most massive case of writer’s block ever seen, then NaNoWriMo is for you – because the only way to get out of writer’s block is to just start writing.

The concept of NaNoWriMo is simply – write 50,000 words or more and push the results onto the NaNoWriMo website.  You can either write the words directly into your account, or you can upload a manuscript that you typed up locally.

The key is that whatever you write down can’t be erased and backtracked.  No second guessing yourself, just write and keep moving forward.  50,000 words in a month isn’t that hard – it’s just 1,666 words a day.  Anyone can do that.

And don’t worry about uploading your prized secret document – they’ll even accept a document that you’ve replaced all the real words with garbled text.  In this case, the journey is the reward.

Speaking of rewards and prizes, the only thing that you win is the satisfaction of having a head start on whatever writing project that you’ve had locked up in your brain.

So now that it’s November, its time to get cracking and start writing.