food How To

Want kids to eat school lunch? Give ’em chocolate milk

Remember those school lunches we used to hate?

Bland pizza bread.  Beefaroni. Chicken nuggets.

It’s tough trying to make interesting, nutritional meals if the kids aren’t interested in eating anything beyond the basic mac ‘n cheese or hamburger.

Best Lunch Box Ever: Ideas and Recipes for School Lunches Kids Will Love
Best Lunch Box Ever:
Ideas and Recipes for School Lunches Kids Will Love

10 Things sports

What do Dodgeball and Musical Chairs have in common?

Like most of us, Web Watch remembers the joys and the horrors of grade school gym class.

Remember that annual tradition of learning square dancing during the cold winter months?  Nobody liked doing that, but it was something for the gym teachers to foist upon their charges and hope for the best.

Anything was better than running laps, typically.  Square dancing wasn’t it.

Duck Duck Goose
Duck Duck Goose

10 Things sports

If you want to survive high school, don’t play lacrosse, soccer, or water polo

High school athletics are nothing to sneeze at.

For some, it’s a required part of the curriculum, intended to encourage healthy living and the strong development of young bodies still growing.

For others, it’s a way out of a podunk town and into a major university or professional career.

But if you participate in a solid high school sports program, there’s a good chance that you’ll end up hurt…. or even dead.

Lacrosse Street Sign
Lacrosse Street Sign

10 Things How To

Every successful CEO was really good at kindergarten

You’re likely familiar with the book ALL I REALLY NEED TO KNOW I LEARNED IN KINDERGARTEN.

Sure, it’s a funny title and has almost become a cliche – but there really is a lot of truth to the topic, perhaps some item that you hadn’t taken the time to thing about recently.

All I Really Need to Know I Learned in Kindergarten
All I Really Need to Know I Learned in Kindergarten


New school policy helps spread head lice among students

Parents have it tough when their kids get sick.

Do you keep the kids at home, where you have to either take your own sick day or find a babysitter?  Or do you send the kids to school so they can maintain their 100% attendance record?

Maybe you should just let the schools decide for you.

Nit Free Terminator Lice Comb, Professional Stainless Steel Louse and Nit Comb for Head Lice Treatment, Removes Nits
Nit Free Terminator Lice Comb,
Professional Stainless Steel Louse and Nit Comb
for Head Lice Treatment,
Removes Nits

10 Things Travel

Where to go to get the Highest Return on Investment in your College Education

How many of you went to college?  More importantly – how many of you are still paying off your student loans?

Perhaps the size of your outstanding student loan payments can be directly related to what school you went to versus the career you chose.

Paying for College Without Going Broke
Paying for College Without Going Broke

food How To

The best path to success is to drink beer AND coffee

When it comes to beverages, there are COFFEE PEOPLE and NON-COFFEE PEOPLE.

There are also people who LIKE BEER and those who HATE BEER.

Some parents have even gotten into the habit of lying to their children about coffee – telling them that you must be 16 years old before you could legally buy or drink coffee at all, putting coffee squarely into the “adult beverages” world that is usually exclusively assigned to alcohol.

Coffee Beer Bong
Coffee Beer Bong


Which colleges have the best food, best cafeterias?

Web Watch can recall some good times eating at the college cafeteria.

From the unlimited double-cheeseburgers to the fresh scooped chocolate milkshakes (salad bar be damned!), the all-you-can-eat cafeteria was well worth the daily fee that the 21-meals a week program required.

Oh, there were some naysayers.  Some thought that they could eat better in their dorm room for $5 a day, cooking only with a hot pot and a down-the-hall microwave.  An in-room kitchenette?  A shared refrigerator?  These would be luxuries that were not available at the time.

Of course, today is different, and students are picking their colleges for their food as much as they are for their education.

Grabbin' Some Grub Care Package  by
Grabbin’ Some Grub Care Package