Get Paid What You’re Worth: The Expert Negotiators’ Guide to Salary and Compensation
One of Web Watch’s happiest days was the one where we wrote our final student loan payment check and sent it off.
We were finally free!
Today’s college students owe an average of $25,250 in student debt – along with high unemployment for when they do get out of school with their degree. So it’s imperitive to be thinking ahead in terms of what degree are you trying to earn, and counterbalance that with the real-world scenario of what those jobs will actually pay you once you begin your work life.
Employers are always talking about how today’s coddled college students are coming in for job interviews and asking (demanding, even) salaries in the 50’s, 60’s, and 80’s. Fresh faces out of school might not be able to make such demands — especially if they haven’t choosen their career path wisely.
Incorrect expectations, it seems.
So here are SEVEN JOBS THAT REQUIRE THE MOST EDUCATION, BUT PAY THE LEAST and their bottom-tier income levels. You might want to reconsider these choices if what you’re after is money and having the least amount of student loan debt to pay off. If you want job satisfaction, then that’s a different story…
- Recreational therapists. $24,640
- Biological technician. $24,930
- Mental health and Substance abuse social workers. $25,210
- Museum tech and curators. $24,440
- Medical and clinical lab technicians. $24,210
- Survey researchers. $18,660
- Reporters and correspondents. $19,970