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Proof that what your parents name you will dictate how successful you’ll be in life

The Corner Office: Indispensable and Unexpected Lessons from CEOs on How to Lead and Succeed
The Corner Office: Indispensable and Unexpected Lessons
from CEOs on How to Lead and Succeed

Web Watch knows that you are an aggressive workaholic, just trying to make a name for yourself in this crazy world.

But have you ever wondered what your life would be like if you had a different name entirely?

Would you be happier having a more unique name, unique spelling?  Would you be happier being another Tom, Dick, or Harry in the room?  Today’s parents have any number of Baby Naming books available to them, but maybe they need to think beyond the immediate need of naming their newborn child and think long into the future.

Because business social networking site LINKED IN has run all their members through a filter just to see if there were any trends in people’s names and whether that led to any level of particular success.  They call this WHAT’S IN A PROFESSIONAL NAME?

For starters, the most popular names for CEOs were Peter, Bob, Jack, Bruce, and Fred for the men; Deborah, Sally, Debra, Cynthia, and Carolyn for the women.  The fact that LinkedIn can come up with such a list indicates that there was enough data to make a trend out of this.  Beware the Peter/Deborah power couple.

Looking at other professions, they found the following patterns:   law enforcement was most popular with Billy; HR staff was most commonly filled with Emma; and Ryan was active in all sorts of sports.

People with names consisting of six or more characters were mostly in the engineering or restaurant fields.  Four letter names were most common in sales or CEO positions.

Want a more international flair for your future CEO?  Try names like Bruce, Mike, Tony, Charles, or Gilles.