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What day of the week are you most likely to get a job?

Applying for jobs can be stressful, especially if you’re sending out resume after resume, cover letter after cover letter, and not getting any nibbles of interest back.

You’ve reviewed your resume. You’ve rewritten your cover letter countless times.  You’ve rehearsed your elevator speech in front of the mirror until you’re blue in the face.  But you’re still not getting any leads back from the applications you’ve put in.

Maybe there’s absolutely nothing wrong with your paperwork.  Maybe all that’s wrong is the way you’re going about applying for jobs in the first place.

Get The Job You Want, Even When No One’s Hiring:
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According to BRIGHT.COM, a site that helps with job recruitment automation, they’ve determined the IDEAL TIME TO SUBMIT YOUR RESUME.

You should always apply for a job on a Monday.

30% of Monday applicants advance through the hiring process, with Sunday applicants second behind.  Fewer applicants make it through the hiring process for applications that are sent in on Tuesdays through Saturdays.

Want to stand out from the crowd?  Don’t submit your resume on a Tuesday, when 37% of all job applications are made.  The fewest applications are submitted over the weekend, naturally.

So to succeed — submit your application on a Sunday or Monday:  application levels will be lower than on other days, and  your chances of success are significantly higher.  (Try to avoid making applications on Saturdays. You have to take a little time for yourself, after all…)