Web Gangsta – Web Watch

Where does the wind blow across the US?

What’s the one topic of conversation that you can always have with a stranger that you can have with your parents?

“HOW’S THE WEATHER?” (or variations to that effect)  It’s too warm, cold, wet, dry.

Everyone has an opinion on the weather, what it should be and what it was.  It effects pretty much everybody in some manner.

400-Watt Wind Generator

Which is why having a Big Picture look at how the weather is going across the country can be helpful.  That’s why a site like WIND MAP can come in handy.

Generally speaking, it’s fairly self explanatory — watch the wind patterns across the country.  You can use this to predict storm paths or the best places around to fly a kite.

Anyone who’s into the weather and trying to spot storm trends as an amateur meteorologist should pop over and take a look at where today’s wind is coming from in your part of the world.