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Most engagement rings cost less than $999

It’s been said that a wedding ring is supposed to cost two months salary.

We all know that’s a load of baloney.  It’s all marketing.

Seriously – all that “two months salary” thing is going to do is force kids to get married while they’re young and unemployed — that’s how you can keep that two months salary thing as cheap as possible.

Get Down on One Knee Without Getting Bent Over:
A Modern Day Guide to Buying the Perfect Diamond Engagement Ring

And that’s likely why TRENDS IN DIAMOND RING SHOPPING have shown that that the MOST COMMONLY PURCHASED ENGAGEMENT RING costs anywhere from $500 – $999.

On average, taking all rings into account, the AVERAGE COST OF A DIAMOND RING IS $3693.

Some other trends to consider when you’re looking at purchasing your bride her ring: