Web Gangsta – Web Watch

20 Photos We Wish You Stopped Sharing With Us

Every morning, the first thing most people do when they wake up is fire up their smartphone and check their social media sites.

What happened in the world while we were asleep?

For some, it’s a way to catch up on the world news. For others, it’s a way to see what your friends are doing that you missed out on. FOMO – Fear of Missing Out – is a real disease, friends, and one that should be stopped in its tracks.

Camera Lens Filter

But one thing about social media is that it’s all about sharing.  Over-sharing for some, but sharing nonetheless.

And there are some people who feel the need to document their entire lives in photos to share with friends.  Look, we’re all guilty of taking FOOD PORN photos, but we don’t always need to show the world what we’re eating.

Do it too much, and it looks like bragging.  And what’s cool to you may not be cool to others.  It’s one thing to sit with friends over a bottle of wine while they narrate their 5000-image slideshow of their recent vacation – it’s another to receive each of those 5000 images in timeline posts over the course of three weeks.

Delete, delete, delete can’t happen fast enough.

So with all that said, there are 20 IMAGES YOU SHOULD STOP POSTING IN SOCIAL MEDIA, based on at least one person’s opinion.  They’re overdone, not wanted, and certainly not original.

If you’ve done any of these to excess, do us all a favor and STOP NOW. Also, click over to see the full list and explanations: