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The 10 Most Expensive States to Live In

As you grow older and think about the different places you could possibly move to, a few options regularly come up –  Florida?  Arizona? Tennessee?

The primary focus tends to be on taxes, and how big of a hit your retirement nest egg could take every year if you choose the wrong state to retire in.

But is that the only criteria you should use when choosing a place to live?  Probably not.

Modern Budget Forecasting in the American States:
Precision, Uncertainty, and Politics

Maybe you should also consider whether the state you’ve chosen to move to is considered to be a relatively expensive state to live in or one that is relatively inexpensive to live in.

With that, perhaps you should review THIS LIST OF THE MOST EXPENSIVE STATES to live in, and consider not moving to these to live out your retirement years.  At least, if you’re considering that your nest egg may not survive a 20-to-30 year spending cycle.

  1. New York
  2. Hawaii
  3. Connecticut
  4. California
  5. Alaska
  6. Massachusetts
  7. New Jersey
  8. New Hampshire
  9. Rhode Island
  10. Maryland