Web Gangsta – Web Watch

The Four Things that Define Wilderness

You ever have the opportunity to go out into the wilderness and explore?

Camping is one thing, but have you ever just gone out and purposefully gotten lost? Unplugged entirely, on your own?

Trying to live the way your ancestors might have, experienced the land the way it was meant to be experienced, without an Internet connection or highway rest stop in your way?


There are getting to be fewer and fewer places in the world like this, where you can experience nature the way nature intended it to be seen.

Web Watch went to a national park recently, and after a four mile hike found ourselves in the middle of the woods, no cell service, nobody around – with just the whisper of the trees around us and the rustling of forest creatures foraging for food in the leaves nearby.

It was quiet, peaceful.

Granted, four miles isn’t really that far away from civilization. But when we asked the local ranger what happens after dark, whether they go through the park to find stragglers who may be stuck out in the woods – his response was “if they have cell signal, they can try calling 911. Otherwise, we’ll see them in the morning.”


There’s a reason “wild” is part of “wilderness”, but anyone who ventures out that way is primarily LOOKING FOR FOUR THINGS that define what wilderness is, at lease according to one director who oversees wilderness land in Colorado:

Web Watch? We prefer our wilderness with a side order of room service.  But sometimes you take what you can get and deal with it.