Web Gangsta – Web Watch

10 Things You Don’t Know About… Orgasms

In February 2009, author Mary Roach gave a TED (Technology, Entertainment, Design) talk entitled 10 THINGS YOU DIDN’T KNOW ABOUT ORGASMS.

You can watch her talk here (and Web Watch highly recommends watching it, if only for the amusing video clip used to demonstrate item #7), but for convenience sake, Web Watch has included Mary’s ten items after the break.

  1. Male masturbation starts in utero
  2. You don’t need genitals
  3. You can have them when you’re dead
  4. Orgasms can cause bad breath in women
  5. Orgasms can cure the hiccups
  6. Doctors once prescribed orgasms in women for fertility
  7. The “upsuck” theory works for increasing fertility in pigs and is practiced by Danish farmers
  8. Female animals are having more fun than you think
  9. Studying human orgasm in a lab is not easy…
  10. …but it sure is entertaining

Now that we’re done with the serious, scientific portion of today’s Web Watch entry, here are some unverified 10 OTHER THINGS YOU DIDN’T KNOW ABOUT ORGASM that we thought to include for fun.  No citations were provided for these, so feel free to do your own research to confirm the accuracy of this list: