Web Gangsta – Web Watch

How To Find Your Lost Wallet

Find? How about “get it returned”?

A study in England dropped 240 wallets around town to see which wallets would get returned.

The wallets didn’t contain any money or other useful items, just receipts or ticket stubs.

However, there was one key difference in each wallet, which is what the study was all about:  DOES THE PHOTO YOU CARRY IN YOUR WALLET INCREASE THE LIKELIHOOD THAT THE WALLET WOULD BE RETURNED?

The answer to that question, apparently, is “yes”.

The wallets were broken up into six different sets, based on the type of photo the wallet contained. 

The results were quite clear (and slightly similar to the study that Web Watch talked about earlier regarding people’s reactions to ugly babies vs cute babies):

That is a significant difference between babies and puppies.  Makes it almost worthwhile to go get a baby photo and stick it into your wallet… even if the baby isn’t yours.