Web Gangsta – Web Watch

Want to be in a music video? Open casting call is online now – all you need is a webcam

Web Watch was at a music video shoot many, many years ago.  It consisted of standing around a concert stage in an empty arena for hours on end while the same song got played over and over for the artist to lip-sync.  It really wasn’t as much fun as we were promised, and no pizza was provided.  Through the magic of editing, the crowd shots in the finished video look much more packed than what was really there.

So have you ever wanted to be in a music video, but were never in the right place at the right time?  Now’s your chance.

ONE FRAME OF FAME is a music video web production for the band C-Mon & Kypski and their latest single entitled MORE IS LESS.

They’ve posted a full-length video on the website, and have asked Internet users from around the world to fire up their webcam and duplicate any single shot in the video while you sit at your computer.  As each submitted frame is approved, it is swapped into the original video. 

That’s it.  Just a single headshot of you mimicking what you see in the video.  Can’t get much easier than that to achieve life-long Internet fame as a music video participant, right?