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Mmmmm. That’s one damn good pie.

Cutie Pie Cherry Pies

Who doesn’t like pie?

That’s right.  Nobody.  Nobody DOESN’T like pie…which means that EVERYONE loves pie.  Well, 92% of those surveyed said they liked pie – and that’s almost everyone.

And research has found out exactly what type of pies Americans like to eat, and where they like to eat their pie.

According to the AMERICAN PIE COUNCIL, the most popular pies are:

  1. Apple
  2. Pumpkin
  3. Pecan
  4. Banana Cream
  5. Cherry

More telling is that the survey also determined that about 6 million men ages 35-54 have eaten the last slice of pie…and then subsequently lied about doing so.  True.

If it matters, Americans are eating more pie than ever.  ACCORDING TO PILLSBURY, pie consumption has grown 16.5% since 2002, with the average pie-eating household consuming pie at home at least nine times a year.