Web Gangsta – Web Watch

September 29th is NATIONAL COFFEE DAY. Which professions need the most coffee?

I Need Coffee!

In honor of NATIONAL COFFEE DAY on September 29th, Dunkin’ Donuts and CareerBuilder teamed up to identify the PROFESSIONS THAT REQUIRE THE MOST COFFEE.

They asked over 3,600 office workers about their coffee-drinking habits, and found that 32% of office workers require a cup of coffee to get through the workday.  43% said that they are less productive without their morning Joe.  Web Watch figures this is why the majority of offices offer their staff free coffee — it’s a small cost to pay for happy workers.

Of those workers stating that they are more productive when they have coffee, these are the professions that needed it the most, ranked from “needs most” first:

  1. Nurses
  2. Physicians
  3. Hotel workers
  4. Designers/Architects
  5. Financial/Insurance sales representatives
  6. Food preparers
  7. Engineers
  8. Teachers
  9. Marketing/Public Relations professionals
  10. Scientists
  11. Machine operators
  12. Government workers

The survey continued with some other interesting info: