Web Gangsta – Web Watch

Women: want to make more money? Stop shaving, showering

How to Dress Properly

We all know that proper grooming is important to succeed in the workplace.

Web Watch knows a few men with (shall we say…) less than admirable shower and clothes-washing habits.

One situation arose where a co-worker had to be taken aside and be told explicitly to go home and shower.  It was an uncomfortable conversation, but it had to be done.  You could smell him coming from down the hall.  Web Watch shudders just remembering the stench, it was that bad.

But is proper grooming for the workplace something that is just to be expected, or something that has additional benefits?  Jayoti Das and Stephen DeLoach from Elon University decided to find out with their study entitled MIRROR MIRROR ON THE WALL: THE EFFECT OF TIME SPENT GROOMING ON EARNINGS.  The study considers “grooming” to include:  bathing, shaving, plucking, styling hair, deodorizing, painting nails, applying makeup, etc.

What they found was that the longer women spent in the bathroom getting ready in the morning, the lower potential earnings they had. 

The study concludes that women are penalized for being “overly-groomed” due to a negative stereotype of women who spend too much time in the bathroom.