Web Gangsta – Web Watch

News flash: Men and women love different brands

What brands do you love?

What products do you especially seek out simply because you love the company, regardless of whether they’re considered the Best of Class in their product line?

Would you believe that men and women differ on which brands they admire most?

We know, it’s shocking that there could be gender differences based solely on brand affection – but it’s true.

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That’s what Buyology found in their report of the 2012 MOST DESIRED BRANDS.

They surveyed over 4000 people on their feelings about 220 different brands, and found that men and women think of different things when ranking who they feel are the most desired brands.  The testing is based on “latency response”, making the subjects respond quickly without thinking — the longer a delay before a choice is made helps gauge the difficulty of the choice.

Yeah, Web Watch is confused about this too, but hey – they came up with a list for us anyway.

For men, the most desired brands were:

  1. Southwest Airlines
  2. Cadillac
  3. BMW
  4. Dove
  5. Bed Bath and Beyond
  6. Apple
  7. Google
  8. Sharp
  9. GE
  10. Macy’s

For women, the most desired brands were:

  1. Southwest Airlines
  2. Google
  3. Hallmark
  4. Dove
  5. JetBlue
  6. Kohl’s
  7. Lexus
  8. Target
  9. Neutrogena
  10. Crest