Web Gangsta – Web Watch

How much money does the tooth fairy bring?

Parents: how much money do you leave under your child’s pillow when they lose a tooth?

Web Watch recalls that $0.50 was the norm for every tooth we lost, but we’ve heard more recent reports that the dollar value for a tooth has gone much higher today.

Before we get to the topic on hand, here’s another parent question:  what do you do with all those teeth?  Do you keep them? Toss them away?  Make a creepy “tooth necklace” out of them?  Be sure to tell us your family tooth traditions in the comments below.

Throw Your Tooth on the Roof: Tooth Traditions from Around the World

As for HOW MUCH MONEY the toothfairy brings, a recent survey by VISA found the following:

Want to help reset family molar values (see what we did there?) for how much a tooth should cost?  Then head over to the TOOTH FAIRY REWARD SURVEY and cast your real-world experience vote; together we can bring the cost of a tooth back down to realistic $0.50 levels.