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How to be mediocre

Do you consider yourself Awesome?  Are you great at what you do? Are you a stellar 5-star performer at the top of your game?

Chance are, unless you’re George Clooney, you’re not amazing at all.

Fact is, you’re very likely extremely mediocre.

And that’s okay.

Mediocre Me:
How Saying No to the Status Quo Will Propel You From Ordinary to Extraordinary

And why is it okay to be mediocre?  Nay, to even strive for mediocrity?

Because sometimes evenTHE MOST MEDIOCRE PEOPLE GET AHEAD IN LIFE, ahead of those who have more skills and talent.

That’s the theory behind these 7 HABITS OF HIGHLY EFFECTIVE MEDIOCRE PEOPLE,as experienced by James Altucher.

That’s right – the more mediocre you are, the better chance you have of LEARNING FROM YOUR MISTAKES and achieving everything you want in life.  All you have to do is pay attention to those bad habits, but use them to your advantage as education opportunities.

You’ll want to read the whole linked article for exactly why each of these items can lead you to becoming a leader or expert in your field, but in a nutshell here they are:

So if you are doing any one (or all) of these seven items, then pat yourself on the back – you’re well on your way to being a millionaire!