Web Gangsta – Web Watch

Where to get free, live music online

You can’t deny that Apple’s iPod had a defining effect on the technology and music industries.

Web Watch had been using other MP3 players for years before Apple came to the portable music party, but it was Apple’s ease of getting the music through the iTunes Store that solidified Apple’s place in history.

But there is some music that isn’t available in the iTunes Store, or Amazon’s Music Store, or Google Play.  And that can be frustrating to fans who are really looking to complete their collection of music from their favorite artists.

The Road To Red Rocks
featuring Mumford & Sons

That’s where the INTERNET ARCHIVE’S LIVE MUSIC ARCHIVE can help you.

As of this writing, there are over 113,000 individual tracks from over 5,600 different artists in the archive, and all of this is dedicated to, in their words, PRESERVING AND ARCHIVE AS MANY LIVE CONCERTS AS POSSIBLE for current and future generations to enjoy.

There are restrictions, of course.  The artists represented must be “trade-friendly” (ie they allow the recording and trading of their concert audio, with no financial gain made by any party in the transaction) and the distribution of these tracks are for non-commercial use.  Anything that the artist releases themselves as an Official Live Concert Recording that they are selling via their own means is not allowed to be included in the LIVE CONCERT DATABASE.

You should be able to find artists of practically any desirable genre of music among those 5000+ artists.  And while Mumford & Sons aren’t represented yet, some of the better-known artists that are included in the archive include:

and of course… the Grateful Dead.