Web Gangsta – Web Watch

Top 7 Things People Used the Internet for in 1994

The Internet has been around for a really long time.

Truth is, kids that are just graduating high school and heading off to college today have never known a life when the Internet wasn’t a daily part of their lives.  Sure, accessing it may have gotten a bit easier over the years, but it’s always been there for them

And it’s been an even longer time that WEB WATCH has been sharing Internet sites and interesting stuff online for our readers — so yeah, the Internet has come a long, long way since 1994.

But how different is it now versus what it was like before?

Maybe we need to step into our Time Machine and head back to 1994 to see the TOP 7 THINGS THAT PEOPLE USED THE INTERNET FOR.

Is This Thing On?, revised edition:
A Computer Handbook for Late Bloomers, Technophobes, and the Kicking & Screaming

According to an infomercial touting a VHS tape training course on HOW TO USE THE INTERNET, here is a list of THINGS YOU CAN USE THE INTERNET FOR:

Watch the whole video here:


Real? Maybe not… but who’s going to know?